Ways to Get Involved in Our Community
These groups meet regularly to support the work of our church, explore our world, learn new ideas, share insights, and just have some well-deserved fun. Always check the church calendar and News & Notes for details.
Worship CircleOur church operates on a shared ministry model with a team of folks who gather monthly to help review and shape services throughout the year. Members of the Worship Team work with the minister on Sunday mornings and take turns leading worship during the summer months.
Stewardship CircleThe Stewardship Circle ensures the financial support of the church. UCH is funded by the generosity and commitment of its members and friends, and our church understands that generosity takes many forms.
Community CircleMeditation GroupThe Meditation Group meets Mondays at 7:00pm to spend time listening to inspiring words in the 'Dharma Talk' tradition and then sit meditation together. 90 minutes.
Care Shawl Knitting GroupThe Care Shawl Knitters gather quarterly to knit and crochet cozy shawls (and other things occasionally) to give to people in need of love and care. Group meets on Wednesday nights in the Religious Education building.
Movie NightsThe Movie Group meets to see a movie out in the world and then gathers for a deep dive discussion over food and wine afterward.
Wise Elders’ Conversations
Every Tuesday on zoom Wise Elders is a weekly conversation that started in April 2020 as a way to connect during the pandemic. Several years later, we are still talking every Tuesday at 3 p.m. We share what is going on in our lives and have a conversation afterwards. During these many conversations we’ve shared joy, concern, grief and laughter. Our zoom link is always the same and is in News and Notes every week. Play ReadingThe Playreaders have a great time reading through plays together - often in costume with props. It's been a twenty+ year tradition with UCH folks and friends.
Social Justice CircleAt the root of our UU faith is that we are all connected; we are more ourselves, the more we connect with others. The Social Justice Circle brings together ten teams to ensure that we are coordinated, and to find opportunities for deepening connections.
Growth and Learning CircleThe Growth and Learning Circle works together with the Director of Programs to support the offering of robust religious education programs, as well as other growth and spiritual development opportunities.
Home and Garden CircleThe Home & Garden Circle manages the upkeep and care for both the church and the religious education buildings and the nearly acre lot that they both inhabit.
Garden & Landscape Folks
Do you love to dig in dirt? Love the satisfaction of seeing a weedless garden and enjoy being outside? The Garden and Landscape Team helps to keep our gardens and grounds beautiful.
Men's GroupThe Men's Group meets monthly in the Religious Education building on the third Sunday of the month after worship service. Each month a different topic of interest is explored.
Non-Fiction Book GroupAcoustic Renaissance Concerts
Acoustic Renaissance offers monthly folk music concerts available for live/in-person OR via livestream viewing. Live concerts take place at the Unitarian Church of Hinsdale.