
The Celebration Singers are a friendly group of adults who enjoy the musical challenges offered them by Director Julia Beckman, who founded the choir in 1974. She continues to consider it a privilege to lead them. One of the many benefits of singing for Unitarian services is the freedom to choose a wonderful variety of music, both secular and religious – folk songs, spirituals, great classical and contemporary works, with an occasional trip into the world of jazz. This variety is challenging, rewarding, and fun. Julia believes that humor and laughter improve vocal quality — and keep volunteers showing up early on Sunday mornings!
The Celebration Singers are a friendly group of adults who enjoy the musical challenges offered them by Director Julia Beckman, who founded the choir in 1974. She continues to consider it a privilege to lead them. One of the many benefits of singing for Unitarian services is the freedom to choose a wonderful variety of music, both secular and religious – folk songs, spirituals, great classical and contemporary works, with an occasional trip into the world of jazz. This variety is challenging, rewarding, and fun. Julia believes that humor and laughter improve vocal quality — and keep volunteers showing up early on Sunday mornings!
If you can carry a tune and enjoy singing, give the group a try! Voices needed in every section. Rehearsals are on Sundays at 9:15am in Room 4 of the RE building, and performances are approximately once a month.
Contact Julia Beckman for details.
Contact Julia Beckman for details.