UUANI - Advocacy Network of Illinois
The Unitarian Church of Hinsdale supports the right of every human being to live and breathe free. We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of George Floyd, who was killed on the street by police officers in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. As we watch a nation struggle to say this is not okay, we join all voices calling for a restructuring of our justice system and the eradication of racism within our society. As of June 6, 2020, here are some ways you can help bend the arc of the universe toward justice.
Some things to do ...
(from the UUA, Moveon, Indivisible, UUSJ, Color of Change, SUR, Faithful AmericaJ)
This is a daily struggle - below are some ways to stand with those demanding to be heard. They are in daily doses and include a variety of way to engage. Please also look at the information from the Movement For Black Lives that last week launched A Week of Action in Defense of Black Lives. These are excellent ways to follow the lead and participate every day. As people of faith and conscience, please participate -- online and on the streets.
If you are in the CHICAGOLAND area - join other UU's:
Activate:Chicago March for Justice for George Floyd
Saturday, June 6th at 11 a.m.
Where: Meet at Corner of W Washington Blvd and N Wood St
Humboldt Park Boathouse (former home of Chance the Snapper) Click here for a FB link
Governor Beshear - Call (502) 564-2611
County Attorney- Call (502) 574-6336
My name is [X] and I am calling to ask for the following actions in response to the murder of David Mcatee:
This image is from Beate thinks out loud - read the great article about how they came to change this image to be less racist.
(from the UUA, Moveon, Indivisible, UUSJ, Color of Change, SUR, Faithful AmericaJ)
This is a daily struggle - below are some ways to stand with those demanding to be heard. They are in daily doses and include a variety of way to engage. Please also look at the information from the Movement For Black Lives that last week launched A Week of Action in Defense of Black Lives. These are excellent ways to follow the lead and participate every day. As people of faith and conscience, please participate -- online and on the streets.
- Sign ON to Stand WITH: Color of Change: Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, was in her home in Louisville, KY on March 13thwhen officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department barged in without a warning nor announcement and broke through her door, fired off more than 20 bullets, and ultimately took Breonna’s life. #JusticeforBre: Police officers who killed Breonna Taylor must be FIRED.
- Give MONEY to Stand WITH: NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
- Commit to LEARN to Stand WITH: Read this article in the Atlantic titled When People View Citizens as Enemies
If you are in the CHICAGOLAND area - join other UU's:
Activate:Chicago March for Justice for George Floyd
Saturday, June 6th at 11 a.m.
Where: Meet at Corner of W Washington Blvd and N Wood St
Humboldt Park Boathouse (former home of Chance the Snapper) Click here for a FB link
- We will march to end Police Brutality
- We will march because #blacklivesmatter
- We march for justice for George Floyd and his Family
- Show UP to Stand WITH: Faithful America: Keep showing up. If you're a white person who can attend protests, please do so. Be sure to follow the lead of organizers of color, and be willing to protect them if asked when the police arrive. Wear something that identifies you as a person of faith lifting up the moral voice. Learn de-escalation and bystander-intervention tactics.
- Show UP to Stand WITH: Join in the Movement for Black Lives in daily action. The time for action is now, people are taking to the streets, flooding social media, calling local officials and demanding justice for those who have been killed by the police all over the county and now is the time to join them.
- Sign ON to Stand WITH: Color of Change: Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, was in her home in Louisville, KY on March 13thwhen officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department barged in without a warning nor announcement and broke through her door, fired off more than 20 bullets, and ultimately took Breonna’s life. #JusticeforBre: Police officers who killed Breonna Taylor must be FIRED.
- Give MONEY to Stand WITH: Black Lives Matter Global Network
- Commit to LEARN to Stand WITH: UUA: Join the “Unfinished Business” political education series hosted by Side with Love and Love Resists (starting Wednesday June 10).
- Make CALLS to Stand WITH: UUSJ: Police/National Guard murdered David Mcatee in Louisville around 12 am as they shot blindly into a crowd outside Mcatee’s business. Governor Beshear is allowing LMPD to independently investigate themselves. This cannot stand. Calls must be made:
Governor Beshear - Call (502) 564-2611
County Attorney- Call (502) 574-6336
My name is [X] and I am calling to ask for the following actions in response to the murder of David Mcatee:
- Immediate release of all body camera footage
- Appoint citizen review panel with subpoena power to investigate
- (Mayor only) immediately appoint interim police chief
- (Mayor only) immediately fire the officers involved in shooting David Mcatee as well as those responsible for Breonna Taylor’s murder.
- Sign ON to Stand WITH: Color of Change: Keep echoing the demands of Black organizers. Sign the "State of Emergency: End the War on Black people!" list of demands from Color of Change, one of the most important civil-rights organizations of the digital age.
- Give MONEY to Stand WITH: Chicago Community Bond Fund: Chicagoland bail fund
- Commit to LEARN to Stand WITH: Listen to Trevor Noah as he reflects with wisdom and compassion on what is going on in America. https://youtu.be/v4amCfVbA_c He speaks truth to power.
- Show UP to Stand WITH: SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) Check to see if a local SURJ chapter near you is already planning an action, join them and help them organize — find a chapter near you here. Stay in this moment by taking one of the actions listed here.
- Sign ON to Stand WITH: UUA: Support the uprising and commit to joining other UUs in working to combat the violence of militarism and the police state: Share this message widely with your networks. Speak about your convictions in support of Black liberation. Articulate your support of Black organizing, grounded in your Unitarian Universalist faith. Have hard conversations with your family, your social networks, your neighbors. And sign up at this link to be connected with a network of UUs committing to learning, reflecting, and acting together.
- Give MONEY to Stand WITH: Color of Change Education Fund - Color of Change is the nations largest online racial justice organization.
- Commit to LEARN to Stand WITH: UUA: Check out this full list of “Resources for Accountability and Action for Black Lives” which will be updated regularly
- Show UP to Stand WITH: From SURJ: Post images and content from the Movement for Black Lives @mvmnt4blklives. They have called for Trump to resign and continue to call for the defunding of the police. Find, follow, and amplify local Black-led organizing.
- Sign ON to Stand WITH: UUA: We have called on the Minneapolis City Council to become these visionary leaders by pledging to defund the Minneapolis Police Department and invest in the resources that really keep us safe and healthy, especially in Black communities, Indigenous communities and communities of color.
- Give MONEY to Stand WITH: Black Visions Collective - Black Visions Collective (BLVC) believes in a future where all Black people have autonomy, safety is community-led, and we are in right relationship within our ecosystems.
- Commit to LEARN to Stand WITH: Read this article about 75 things that white people can do for racial justice.
- Make CALLS to Stand WITH: Use the Winning Justice Prosecutor Project from Color of Change to make calls to keep pressure on the two District Attorneys to take responsibility for the large role they played in delaying justice for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Make calls now.
- Sign ON to Stand WITH: UUSJ: On May 27th, 2020, Tony McDade, a black transgender masculine person was shot five times in the back and killed by a Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) officer. TPD, notorious for its racism, white supremacy, and transphobia has consistently misgendered Tony and refused to release the officer’s body camera footage and/or admit their wrongdoing in murdering and misgendering an unarmed black trans person. Please join us in demanding #JusticeForTony.
- Give MONEY to Stand WITH: Reclaim the Block: Community fund
- Commit to LEARN to Stand WITH: This document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. If you haven’t engaged in anti-racism work in the past, start now.
- Show UP to Stand WITH: Poor Peoples Campaign: Join the June 20th virtual march on Washington with the Poor Peoples Campaign. Stay in Place! Stay Alive! Organize! The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is calling for people across the country to Stay in Place! Stay Alive! Organize! And Don’t Believe the Lies! Right now, states are beginning to reopen against the best recommendations of doctors, public health officials and other experts. State legislatures, governors, and the federal government are putting millions of people, especially the poor, at great risk by reopening too soon.
- Sign ON to Stand WITH: UUSJ: Demand resignation of Brunswick District Attorney Jackie Johnson for not issuing a warrant of arrest for the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery on February 23, 2020. On Sunday, February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Arbery was unarmed when he was chased and gunned down by Travis and Gregory McMichael. They should have been arrested on February 23rd and as a result she should resign due to judicial malpractice. Click here to sign
- Give MONEY to Stand WITH: Black Visions Collective: Supporting Black activists on the ground
- Commit to LEARN to Stand WITH: Watch Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III - As our country struggles with a fresh epidemic of senseless deaths of African Americans, Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III has a powerful message for us, "When Is Someday?" This message serves are a prelude to his sermonic video, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery.” Two messages to awaken your spirit, open your hearts, and inspire you to action.
This image is from Beate thinks out loud - read the great article about how they came to change this image to be less racist.