Sunday worship services take place from 10:30 - 11:35 am or so. See the "This Week at Church" page under Worship for details. Please check our website for updates and when we will be meeting in person for the Sunday service. Thank you!
If you will be visiting for the first time, look for our hospitality team folks handing out orders of service (programs) at the door. They'll be happy to help orient you or answer any questions you might have. You can also sign up at the welcome desk in the living room at the back of the church to receive our weekly newsletter.
A Typical Worship Service
A typical Sunday worship will include most of the following elements:
If you will be visiting for the first time, look for our hospitality team folks handing out orders of service (programs) at the door. They'll be happy to help orient you or answer any questions you might have. You can also sign up at the welcome desk in the living room at the back of the church to receive our weekly newsletter.
A Typical Worship Service
A typical Sunday worship will include most of the following elements:
Music can be especially diverse, with a variety of instruments being heard and a range of musical influences and styles. Classical and traditional “church music” is augmented by popular music, spirituals, chants, etc.
Different Kinds of Worship

We also have three "communion" services which celebrate our community. Our ingathering service in the fall is a Water Communion where everyone brings real or virtual water that holds special meaning for them and adds it to our common bowl. The water is purified and used for rituals throughout the year.
We share a Bread Communion at Thanksgiving where people share bread that is special to them and we celebrate our connection to the earth from which we come.
And our final service of the year is a Flower Communion in June when folks bring a blossom to create lovely bouquets to decorate the altar and then take home a different flower - sharing the unique beauty each of us contribute to the world and how we all have lots to offer.
We share a Bread Communion at Thanksgiving where people share bread that is special to them and we celebrate our connection to the earth from which we come.
And our final service of the year is a Flower Communion in June when folks bring a blossom to create lovely bouquets to decorate the altar and then take home a different flower - sharing the unique beauty each of us contribute to the world and how we all have lots to offer.
When the whole congregation or a group within the church gathers for any reason, there are often elements of ritual, such as a chalice lighting and a closing blessing, to remind ourselves that we are in a special, holy place and a covenanted community.
Themes in Worship
Sunday worship services follow broadly around monthly themes. The reason for this is so that a variety of programs throughout the church can plan, prepare and present different ideas on a common theme and encourage broader conversations. For instance, a theme that is covered in Sunday morning worship with adults and in Religious Education with children and youth as well will help stimulate a broader exploration that takes on a life of its own. For example our themes for the 2019-2020 church year have included Generosity, Grace, Compassion, Forgiveness among many others.
Sunday worship services follow broadly around monthly themes. The reason for this is so that a variety of programs throughout the church can plan, prepare and present different ideas on a common theme and encourage broader conversations. For instance, a theme that is covered in Sunday morning worship with adults and in Religious Education with children and youth as well will help stimulate a broader exploration that takes on a life of its own. For example our themes for the 2019-2020 church year have included Generosity, Grace, Compassion, Forgiveness among many others.