Membership - The Welcome PeopleMembership Committee
The membership committee serves as outreach to visitors as well as ministering to members and friends of our church family. This group of dedicated people facilitates our Hospitality teams and helps organize adult programs, contact visitors, organize neighborhood parties and more! They also host our New UU classes held twice a year. If you are looking to become more involved in our church community this is a wonderful place to start! For more information contact Pam Fodor. Hospitality Teams In an effort to keep our Sunday mornings running smoothly, to help newcomers feel welcome and to have a friendly, warm Sunday morning feeling for all, we are recommending each member and friend of the church serve on a hospitality team. These teams will be comprised of 14 to 16 members and friends and will be responsible for serving as a team about 5 Sundays per year. Sunday Morning Hospitality Roles There are anywhere from 10 to 12 specific roles within each team. But many hands make light work and this team approach allows for more people to share the workload. We also want families with younger children to know that there are many ways for children to participate with their parents. Greeting at the front door, welcoming new families or helping in the kitchen are great ways to include them. Caring Circle The Caring Circle continues in our efforts to provide support to our church community in times of need, transition and celebration. Our ability to provide support is made possible not only by the many volunteers who offer their time, but also by the information that is provided to us by our members so that we may reach out to those in need. Because we are a loving community, there is no better way to show it than to reach out in times of illness, crisis, or celebration. These might be a kind word, a meal, or a gentle touch. Acting as a clearinghouse about our congregation members and appeals for help, they can respond by providing announcements during a church service, hosting events to help members in need or creating care shawls for members and friends that bespeak our concern. One need not be a long-time member to participate. The Caring Circle provides support and coordinates assistance such as phone calls, cards, visits, and email. We are able to provide assistance that may include simple errands, rides, meals, and small chores. Contact person: Pam Fodor Neighbor Nights Each year, the Membership Team organizes house parties in neighborhoods across the area for folks to get to know fellow congregants who live near them. |