Our Whole Lives (OWL)
OWL is a comprehensive approach to human sexuality presented in an age-appropriate manner. It is based firmly on the values of respect, responsibility, justice, and inclusivity. Developed for several age groups youth will examine things such as their values; discuss sexuality and body awareness, gender and diversity, sexual orientation and gender identity, relationships, lovemaking, responsible sexual behavior, STDs and sexual abuse. Parents are encouraged to attend a parent orientation and a signed permission slip is required for student participation.
Rites of Passage
Recognition and celebration of the personal and spiritual growth of our children and youth are key components of our program. We honor these major life passages through special programs and ceremonies.
This congregation welcomes infants and children into the community by the ceremony of Child Dedication. This ceremony customarily takes place during a regular service and involves the family, minister, DRE and entire community in welcoming the child and making a commitment to the child’s spiritual nurture and development. Interested families are invited to speak to the minister to discuss this ceremony.
This congregation welcomes infants and children into the community by the ceremony of Child Dedication. This ceremony customarily takes place during a regular service and involves the family, minister, DRE and entire community in welcoming the child and making a commitment to the child’s spiritual nurture and development. Interested families are invited to speak to the minister to discuss this ceremony.

Age of Reason is a program of religious becoming for second graders in which the children are affirmed in their UU faith and embraced by our church community. The children are provided a formal rite of passage to honor their religious growth and to foster their identity as young Unitarian Universalists.
The Coming of Age program is a year-long commitment to spiritual exploration and group interaction. Youth in this program participate in weekly meetings, three retreats, and an ongoing relationship with an adult mentor. At the completion of the program the youth, their mentors, and the DRE
create a unique Sunday service featuring the youth’s individual faith statements.
We honor the life passage of high school graduation at a regular church service near the end of the year. Graduating seniors are honored by the congregation with gifts and well wishes. Youth group advisors, the DRE, and the minister may offer special thoughts and loving farewells as they move to the next stage of their life.
Age of Reason is a program of religious becoming for second graders in which the children are affirmed in their UU faith and embraced by our church community. The children are provided a formal rite of passage to honor their religious growth and to foster their identity as young Unitarian Universalists.
The Coming of Age program is a year-long commitment to spiritual exploration and group interaction. Youth in this program participate in weekly meetings, three retreats, and an ongoing relationship with an adult mentor. At the completion of the program the youth, their mentors, and the DRE
create a unique Sunday service featuring the youth’s individual faith statements.
We honor the life passage of high school graduation at a regular church service near the end of the year. Graduating seniors are honored by the congregation with gifts and well wishes. Youth group advisors, the DRE, and the minister may offer special thoughts and loving farewells as they move to the next stage of their life.